Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Murray, Haas & Flower

Murray Question 5:
I would agree with Murray that all writing is biographical. All the writing you do is has little piece of you in it. Nobody can sit down and write the exact same thing as you. Your experiences and the way you think come through in almost everything you write. True finding your voice in writing such as a lab report would be much more difficult to find then most but if you look closely it is there. I don't think this would change my style of writing would change it just makes me more aware or my voice and what really make my writing unique and how to make my writing stronger by knowing who I am as a writer.
Haas & Flower question 2:
The though of construct and representation of a text  is important to Haas & Flower because they are trying to teach rhetorical read and know the situation and who was this written for, why are they writing this, who is writing this and the history behind it. The idea behind know all of this information is that it helps immensely with the process of critically reading something. You being to see authors writing less as facts and more as discourse.

1 comment:

  1. I like your discussion of Haas & Flower here and how you tie them into our ongoing discussion of writing/reading as discourse or conversation.
